7 SCOTS TA Reservists On Exercise

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7 SCOTS TA Reservists On Exercise
exercises equipment
Image by Defence Images
Reservist soldiers with 7th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland (7 SCOTS) of the Territorial Army (TA) are pictured on exercise in Germany.

A Company of Territorial Army soldiers made the long journey from Scotland to the Sennelager Training Area in Northern Germany to undertake their annual battle camp.

Approximately 130 soldiers, many having taken holiday from their day jobs flew the distance to sleep rough in the early and unpredictable weather of Germany.

The two weeks were a live firing exercise, which culminated in a Company attack which took almost three hours of exhausting effort to reach their objective.
© Crown Copyright 2013
Photographer: SSgt Mark Nesbit RLC
Image 45155043.jpg from www.defenceimages.mod.uk

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