10 Secrets About Your Metabolism That Can Help You Lose Weight! – Make Sure You Eat Healthy Fats

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10 Secrets About Your Metabolism That Can Help You Lose Weight! – Make Sure You Eat Healthy Fats
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Image by UrbaneWomenMag
A lot of people think that they need to cut out all fat from their diet to lose weight, but that’s not true. You need fats to be healthy – just make sure that they’re healthy fats. By consuming fats like omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, you’re eating foods that help to increase your metabolism.

You’ll find healthy fats in foods like avocados, nuts and seeds, fatty fish like salmon and in oils like olive and canola.

Source: 10 Secrets About Your Metabolism That Can Help You Lose Weight!

10 Secrets About Your Metabolism That Can Help You Lose Weight! – Avoid Late Night Eating
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Image by UrbaneWomenMag
Avoid eating anything within a few hours of going to bed. When you sleep, your metabolism slows down because your body doesn’t need any energy. Instead, it turns any unneeded food into fat for storage!

Studies show that people who eat late at night have a harder time losing weight than those who don’t – even when they ate the same number of calories overall.

Source: 10 Secrets About Your Metabolism That Can Help You Lose Weight!

10 Secrets About Your Metabolism That Can Help You Lose Weight! – Hot And Spicy Foods
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Image by UrbaneWomenMag
There have been more than a few studies in the last few years showing that spicy foods can help increase your body’s ability to burn fat.

The chemical capsaicin, found in spicy peppers like jalapenos and chili peppers, increases the body’s temperature in a process known as thermogenesis, which some say helps burn fat faster.

Source: 10 Secrets About Your Metabolism That Can Help You Lose Weight!

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