Nice Soundness photos

A few nice soundness images I found:

Rt Hon Arthur Wellesley Peel in SCR
Image by pcgn7
Arthur Wellesley Peel, 1st Viscount Peel PC (1829–1912). British Liberal politician and Speaker of the House of Commons (1884-1895).
Peel was the youngest son of the Conservative Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel and was named after Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington. He was educated at Eton and Balliol. As Speaker "he exhibited conspicuous impartiality… soundness of judgment, and readiness of decision upon all occasions." He left the Liberal Party over the issue of Home Rule and became a Liberal Unionist. Peel supported Bradlaugh’s campaigns to have the oath of allegiance changed to permit non-Christians, agnostics and atheists to serve in the House of Commons. In 1896 he chaired a Royal Commission into the licensing laws. The resulting Peel Report recommended that the number of licensed houses should be greatly reduced. (Based on his entry in Wikipedia).

View Big On Black

Heaven family of Lundy Island
Image by brizzle born and bred
Lundy is the largest island in the Bristol Channel, lying 12 miles (19 km) off the coast of Devon, England, approximately one third of the distance across the channel between England and Wales. Lundy gives its name to a British sea area and is one of the islands of England.

William Heaven was succeeded by his son the Reverend Hudson Grosset Heaven who, thanks to a legacy from Sarah Langworthy (nee Heaven), was able to fulfill his life’s ambition of building a stone church on the island. St Helen’s was completed in 1896, and stands today as a lasting memorial to the Heaven period. It has been designated by English Heritage a Grade II listed building. He is said to have been able to afford either a church or a new harbour. His choice of the church was not however in the best financial interests of the island. The unavailability of the money for re-establishing the family’s financial soundness, coupled with disastrous investment and speculation in the early 20th century, caused severe financial hardship.

One Puffin coin of 1929, bearing the portrait of Martin Coles Harman Hudson Heaven died in 1916, and was succeeded by his nephew, Walter Charles Hudson Heaven. With the outbreak of World War I, matters deteriorated seriously, and in 1918 the family sold Lundy to Augustus Langham Christie. In 1924, the Christie family sold the island along with the mail contract and the MV Lerina to Martin Coles Harman, who proclaimed himself a king.

Harman issued two coins of Half Puffin and One Puffin denominations in 1929, nominally equivalent to the British halfpenny and penny, resulting in his prosecution under the United Kingdom’s Coinage Act of 1870. The House of Lords found him guilty in 1931, and he was fined £5 with fifteen guineas expenses. The coins were withdrawn and became collectors’ items. In 1965 a "fantasy" restrike four-coin set, a few in gold, was issued to commemorate 40 years since Harman purchased the island.

Harman’s son, John Pennington Harman was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross in Kohima, India in 1944. There is a memorial to him at the VC Quarry on Lundy. Martin Coles Harman died in 1954.

Residents did not pay taxes to the United Kingdom and had to pass through customs when they travelled to and from Lundy Island. Although the island was ruled as a virtual fiefdom, its owner never claimed to be independent of the United Kingdom, in contrast to later territorial "micronations".

Following the death of Harman’s son Albion in 1968, Lundy was put up for sale in 1969. Jack Hayward, a British millionaire, purchased the island for £150,000 and gave it to the National Trust, who leased it to the Landmark Trust. The Landmark Trust has managed the island since then, deriving its income from arranging day trips, letting out holiday cottages and from donations.

The island is visited by over 20,000 day-trippers a year, but during September 2007 had to be closed for several weeks owing to an outbreak of Norovirus.

York Minster Tomb Effigy A 16th c. Tudor Style
Image by DominusVobiscum
York Minster Tomb Effigy Nicholas Wanton, d. 1617 Wood testimonial above his effigy in memory of his brother William Wanton, who died in 1577.
figure praying – hands have been broken off. similarities with Sir William Ingram’s tomb. Epitaph reads: " Such was the soundness of his mind – and such his application to the study of virtues, that he passed his life in contemplation, superior to the temptation of the world, and exempt from the cares of wedlock that by this means, having spent his days in comfort he might finish them in peace." Wood memorial testimonial above for his brother William Wanton, who died in 1577.

Cruenti Dei BBQ
Image by Nostepinne
oh dear, I didn’t see him on that, I have to check for soundness …

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