Applying high frequency squat and bench press


We need to exercise daily to keep our health good. Now we have spoken on time about high frequency applied to certain actions in weight training. Today we are going to tell you how to apply high frequency squat and bench press at the same time. These type progressions are intended to gain the maximum possible force in these movements and although this is especially interesting for power lifting competitors can also be interesting to apply to training ahead of getting a good muscle hypertrophy. One of my recommendations to those who want to gain muscle mass is the multi-joint exercises train looking for a gain strength and exercise trimmings trained in the ranks of hypertrophy.


What it is considered high frequency

When we talk about frequently we refer to the number of times that train movement over a week. That is, if we train five days a week, once every day squats we are training often 5. I mainly believe that the multi-joint exercises should train often 3 onwards seek the goal that we seek because in this type of exercise which will attention us is always to make the most of our strength.

Logically we must recognize each particular case but overall I think it is a good way to progress. Note that the multi-joint exercises are those that cover more muscle fibers and they are the ones we talking metabolically activated. It is true that there are movements such as deadlights, perhaps trained with high frequency can slow our recovery and calluses may not allow us to train using frequency 7, but we must also assess what rep ranges we move.

Graduating intensity and volume

Graduate the intensity and volume of training are key to well structured routine high frequency variables. If we want to train every day to muscle failure and ending exhausted, we cannot make these workouts frequently 7 because we did not recover the previous training. My main recommendation is to work always in% of 1RM conservative not exceeding 90% and trying to make series where we have a high margin of% max.

That is, if squat our 1RM is 120 kg, working with loads between 95Kg and 110Kg in ranges of 1-3 repetitions, although we are able to do more reps, but not be able to recover, saturate our central nervous system and accumulate excessive muscle fatigue. Regarding the volume of the session, it is best to combine d ies of high volume and low intensity days of just the opposite , high intensity and low volume. For example, a week of sit (assuming the actual 1RM is 120 kg) could be the following:

  • D1: 10x1x100Kg
  • D2: 10x2x95Kg
  • D3: 15x1x97.5Kg
  • D4: 15x1x95Kg
  • D5: 12x1x100Kg
  • D6: 10x3x95Kg
  • D7: 10x2x97.5Kg

It is significant to monitor how much time dedicated to each session to see clear as the week’s development. If we are able to repute these loads, the number of repetitions but each time with less rest, it means that we are increasing our strength. We must rest between sets just enough to make the next series without damaging the art. There is no universal time can be 2 to 5 minutes , even as we gain strength, we see that may be even less.

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