Circuit Training Workouts

circuit training workouts

Circuit Training Workouts

Circuit training is an effective and often time-saving approach to fitness and exercise. Whether you focus on cardiovascular exercise or like to spend your time in the weight room, circuit training can help take your workouts to the next level – and keep you motivated to success!

The goal of circuit training is to keep moving. Unlike most workouts that involve multiple sets of exercises with periods of rest in between, circuit training requires consecutive sets of exercises without any rest. The idea is to move from exercise to exercise as quickly as possible, often alternating between muscle groups in order to avoid the need for rest.

This is why circuit training is such an effective way to burn fat – while also training your body for stamina and endurance. Your metabolism will feel the impact, but so will your muscles. If you’re trying to tone up and build muscle, you definitely need to include circuit training in your fitness routine.

Circuit Training Workouts

To get you started, I’m offering up 3 killer circuit training workouts. The first one is based more on cardiovascular exercise and interval training (for more information on high intensity interval training, click here), while the last two involve weights and resistance training.

Remember, don’t rest in between exercises. Your time to move between stations is all the rest you need here.

Circuit Training Workout #1 – Total Fat Burning

  • 5 minutes warm up on Treadmill
  • 5 minutes running on Treadmill
  • 1 set of 12-15 reps Woodchopper (view exercise)
  • 1 set of 12-15 reps Lunge and Press (view exercise)
  • 1 set of 12-15 reps Hanging Leg Raises (view exercise)
  • 5 minutes Stationary Bike (high intensity)
  • 5 minutes Elliptical Machine (high intensity)
  • 1 set of 10-12 reps Woodchopper (view exercise)
  • 1 set of 12-15 reps Ab Crunch on Stability Ball (view exercise)
  • 1 set of 10-12 reps Russian Twist (view exercise)
  • 5 minutes Stationary Bike (high intensity)
  • 5 minutes running on Treadmill
  • 5 minutes cool down on Treadmill

Circuit Training Workout #2 – Total Body Attack

This one hits every major muscle group. Perform only 1 set of 10-15 reps of each exercise, varying reps according to your own goal.

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