Drop a Jeans Size Fat Burning Workout Plan of 2016

Fat Burning Workout Plan

Get Ready to Drop a Jeans Size in 2 Weeks

It’s great timing for a new fat burning workout plan to help you overcome all the daily life obstacles and finding the time to organize and plan a new workout.

The plan is quite straight forward but it requires that you shift all your focus to making every repetition count so that you can begin to lose not only belly fat but fat in your biggest problem areas like your thighs, arms and backside. It’s designed to increase lean muscle mass which will amp up your fat burning metabolism and get you to drop a jean size within 2 weeks time.

You’re going to take your sets to exhaustion (like the exhaustion you feel after spending 4 hours at Walmart exhaustion!), and you’re also going to reduce the amount of time you rest between sets and exercises.  That means within 30 seconds after each single exercise you are starting the next set or exercise.   Push hard, push until you get a slight uncomfortable feeling, that is when you’re going to see some serious results.

Speaking about serious results, I’d like to challenge you to take it one step further and grab my recent release of the 30 Day Body Transformation Challenge where I take your hand and walk you through weekly workout routines and meal plans to get your abs, thighs, butt, arms and chest totally toned up.  Do it now as I have a time limited Promo Code “3030” for you to get an additional 30% off this full package.  I’ll also offer a full money back guarantee so if you don’t get the results you want then you’ll have nothing to lose but just fat.

30 day Transformation Promo

Now let’s get into this simple workout plan…

The 7 Day Fat Burning Workout Plan

Day 1: Legs
10 minutes of medium intensity elliptical trainer
3 sets of 14 Barbell squats (view exercise)
3 sets of 10 (each leg) Lunges with dumbbells (view exercise)
3 sets of 12 leg press (view exercise)
3 sets of 12 Medicine ball squat and press (view exercise)
10 minutes of high intensity interval training on treadmill (view my article on High Intensity Interval Training

Day 2: Chest & Back
10 minutes of medium intensity elliptical trainer
3 sets of 14 Dumbbell press (view exercise)
3 sets of 14 Lat pulldowns (view exercise)
3 sets of 12 Flyes (view exercise)
3 sets of 12 Seated cable rows (view exercise)
3 sets of 14 Push ups on bosu ball (view exercise)
10 minutes of interval training on treadmill

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