Flat Belly Yoga Workout

flat belly yoga workout

Flat Belly Yoga Workout

Think yoga is just for flexibility and balance? Think again. If you’re working hard to get the flat belly and abs of your dreams, yoga needs to be a part of your workout routine.

What’s so effective about yoga is that all of that flexibility and balance training are actually working a ton of muscles that normally get ignored, especially the muscles that make up your abs and core. Any pose that requires a little balance will engage your abs in ways your typical workout just won’t do. Plus, yoga burns a significant number of calories at the same time.

Here’s what I’m recommending you do for best results…

6 Yoga Moves for a Flat Belly

Before you get started on the moves, I want you to get hydrated and energized. Keeping a natural, holistic theme in line with the yoga, try fueling up with this Vita Coco Coconut Water. Packed full of electrolytes, it will help sustain your energy through the workout.

Now onto the moves…

Run through this circuit once if you’re a beginner, or multiply it depending on your goals and available time. Remember, breathing is key when it comes to yoga, so make sure you slow down, calm your mind, and focus on your breath throughout. Hold each pose for a minimum of 30 seconds.

1. Upward-Facing Dog

One of the most fundamental yoga positions in any program, upward-facing dog has a serious impact on your abdominal and core muscles. Ease into this on slowly, pressing through your palms and arching you head back as far as possible without interrupting your breathing. Make it your goal to be resting only on your toes and palms for this one. This one is great for your lower abs.

2. Warrior 1

From upward-facing dog, move into downward dog, and then enter warrior 1 by bringing one foot forward and bending your knee at a 90 degree angle. Your back foot should stay flat. Placing your palms together, bring your arms overhead and backward slightly as you pull your torso toward the ceiling. You should feel the stretch in your abs and obliques. Repeat pose on opposite side.

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