Home Boxing Workout

home boxing workout

Home Boxing Workout

For those busy and hectic days, I like to have all the home workouts I can at my disposal. This home boxing workout is a fantastic routine that will leave you feeling like you just hit the gym.

I often recommend to my clients that they incorporate boxing exercises into their workout, but I get that it can be a little intimidating for the beginner. That’s why starting at home is such a great idea, as it takes some of the pressure off and gives you the privacy to get your moves down right.

Why Boxing?

Boxing offers a particularly effective total body workout. Even without any equipment like a punching bag or gloves, the movements alone get your heart rate up and your metabolism in high gear. You’re moving your feet, legs, arms, and hands, all while engaging your core.

Boxing gives you the right combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training, improving muscle strength and endurance while burning a ton of calories. In fact, I’ve noticed some of my best fat burning results when incorporating boxing exercises into my workout plan.

So if you’re looking for something new, or just need a solid backup plan for those days when the gym isn’t possible, give this home boxing workout a try. It’s intense, energizing, and totally equipment free!

Fat-Burning Home Boxing Workout

Warm-Up: Jump Rope – Start with 5 minutes of jump rope for your warm-up. While an actual jump rope is useful, you can just hold your hands in place and jump on the spot, as if you’re using one. If you’re looking for a good jump rope for home, check out this Harbinger Jump Rope.

Round 1: Jabs – Get into a fighting stance with your legs spread wide and your right foot forward. Your arms should be up in a defensive position, elbows bent and fists close to face. Throw a right jab (quick punch, rotating fist as you punch), followed by a left jab, and finally another right jab.

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