Jennifer Lawrence Workout Routine

jennifer lawrence workout routine

Jennifer Lawrence Workout Routine

Since her blockbuster role in The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence has been staying front and center in the limelight. Most recently, her role in Silver Linings Playbook won her a Golden Globe and an Oscar!

No matter what Jennifer Lawrence gets up to, she always looks great. But getting a toned, fit body like hers isn’t always an easy task. To really do it right and get in killer shape like Jennifer Lawrence, I’m offering up a workout routine and diet plan based on her approach to fitness.

Jennifer trained especially hard for her role at Katniss in The Hunger Games. According to her personal trainer, her workout routine consisted of a lot of cardiovascular exercise, sprinting, yoga, and high intensity interval training (HIIT).

If you’re not familiar with HIIT, read my article here – High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The idea is pretty simple. You want to move between intervals or sets of powerful, high intensity exercises with little rest in between. HIIT exercises often involve weights or resistance of some kind, but not to the point that you can’t move quickly and easily. It’s all about stepping up your game and challenging your body in a big way.

So here’s a workout routine that incorporates cardio, sprinting, and HIIT, as well as some resistance training, to get you in the best shape ever!

Want to look like Jennifer Lawrence? Then this is the routine for you…

Jennifer Lawrence Workout Routine for Women

This Jennifer Lawrence workout routine requires a commitment of 5 days a week. As you’ll see, one of those days is yoga, and you can totally get your yoga routine in at home.

I’m going to tell you how many sets you need to pound out for each exercise and routine, but as for reps per set, aim for 12-15 reps. This will ensure that you’re burning fat and calories at the same time.

Day 1 – Cardio & Upper Body

  • 30 minutes of running on treadmill
  • 3 sets of Lat Pulldown (view exercise)
  • 3 sets of Dumbbell Chest Press (view exercise)
  • 3 sets of Cable Row (view exercise)
  • 2 sets of Bicep Curl with Barbell (view exercise)
  • 2 sets of Tricep Rope Pulldown (view exercise)
  • 3 sets of Dumbbell Shoulder Press (view exercise)

Day 2 – Cardio & HIIT

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