Lean Sexy Body: 20 Minute Toning Workout

20 Minute Toning Workout

Get On The Right Track to Getting Toned

I don’t know about you but when I see someone who is ripped I always wonder what they did to get to that level of being in pristine shape and it’s a goal that would be so incredible to reach. Breaking down the formula is something I’ve devoted myself to and as much as genetics have a role to play there are definitely some tips to include in your training program.

First and foremost, you need to push hard, in fact push just a little harder each day you train so you can also take it a step at a time. Successful toning results require that you burn a lot of calories and fat, and that only happens when you continue to go harder each week. To help you get in the right mindset, check out these Best 10 Workout Motivation Tips.

Second a solid toning workout is in order and one of the best approaches to toning is a combination of targeted and full body exercises that combine resistance training and cardiovascular exercise.

In addition to dedicating each day to a different muscle group, you can spend 20 minutes a day at least 3 days a week focusing on total body toning. Here’s what a typical week might look like according to this approach:

  • Day 1: Back and Biceps
  • Day 2: Legs, followed by 20 Minute Toning Workout
  • Day 3: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 4: Shoulders, followed by 20 Minute Toning Workout
  • Day 5 Abs & Core, followed by 20 Minute Toning Workout

You can definitely mix things up the way you’d like, but the idea is to tack on this 20 minute toning workout to at least 3 days of your fitness routine. By doing so, you’ll totally boost your toning results and get closer to that ripped body you’re aiming for.

Ready for the workout?

Get Ripped with this 20 Minute Toning Workout

Your goal is to perform this workout at least 3 days a week, in combination with your muscle-building and strengthening workout routine.

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