The Sexy Love Handles Workout

The Sexy Love Handles Workout

Your Obliques & Midsection Never Looked So Good!

Workout-of-the-day-sexy-love-handlesYour love handles make up a big part of your midsection and waistline. And if you want that toned, sexy look, you’ve got to bring your love handles up to speed. This is going to take a solid obliques workout but before you do some great info to remember…

Your obliques are the groups of muscles that define your love handles. While you may have some fat built up there, it’s your obliques that you need to work out in order to tone and tighten that area.

But I’m not suggesting that spot training is possible. Remember, it’s not possible to burn fat in only one specific area of your body. Instead, you need to be boosting your metabolism overall and engaging in some hard-hitting total body exercises to burn more fat – whether that fat is in your love handles or elsewhere. This is why a combination of intense cardiovascular exercise and weight training works best, regardless of your specific goals.

Once your fat-burning efforts are underway, however, you can also help tone and tighten certain parts of your body by engaging in more focused resistance exercises. By building more muscle in a particular area, you’ll get a stronger (and more lean) look.

This love handles workout is specifically designed to help you transform your obliques and get a more toned and sexy core.

TIP: For those of you short on time and need quick results, a natural fat burning supplement like 7-Keto LeanGels is one idea to think of. It’s packed full of naturally derived metabolism boosting ingredients that will totally improve your results at the gym. Another idea is to start your day with Irwin Naturals Green Tea Fat Metabolizer and increase your fat burning metabolism throughout the day.

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