Toned Thighs & Butt: 5 Best Leg Exercises

Toned Thighs Butt 5 Best Leg Exercises

All the Right Proportions

In order to have a strong upper body and core, you need to have a strong foundation. That’s why leg workouts should be the foundation to any fitness routine no matter what your goal is.

For many of us, working out the legs can be pretty tough and that’s definitely a common feeling. After all, the butt, thighs and quads together are some of the largest muscles in our bodies so getting exhausted quickly is something we all face.  But the good news is that with just a little practice it gets much easier and we can get on a path to have totally toned muscles in our thighs, and butt.

Remember, this isn’t just a functional goal, it’s also one of aesthetics. In order to have a sexy, fit body having the right proportions is key, so get those legs the attention they deserve.

Get ready, here are the 5 best leg exercises to tone and build lean muscle mass.

5 Best Leg Exercises

1. The Squat – The traditional squat is by far one of the best leg exercises you can do. This simple sitting-and-standing-like movement works out your quads, hamstrings, hips, and glutes, while also requiring a bit of effort from your core as well. To do the perfect squat, keep your back straight and lower yourself as if you’re sitting on a chair, bending your knees and tightening your abs. Adding weight with a dumbbell is an easy way to enhance the traditional squat. To view this exercise, click here.

Here are some other variations on the squat to make this leg exercise even more intense:

  • Barbell Squat – To view this exercise, click here.
  • Wide Stance Squat – To view this exercise, click here.
  • Stability Ball Squat – To view this exercise, click here.
  • Bosu Ball Squat – To view this exercise, click here.
  • Bosu Ball Single Leg Squat – To view this exercise, click here.

2. The Lunge – The lunge is the next best leg exercise. It also targets your hamstrings, quads, and glutes, with a bit more focus on your quads and glutes, as well as various smaller muscle groups involved in balance and stability. The key to getting the lunge right is holding your back straight and bending your knee no further past the point of your toes. And make sure you always do the same number of lunges on both sides!

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