Yoga Butt Workout

yoga butt workout

Yoga Butt Workout

Looking for a new butt workout? Incorporating some simple yoga poses into your lower body routine might be your answer.

Yoga does more to condition your muscles than many people assume. Although it tends to be a low impact approach to fitness, it nonetheless challenges your muscles in some pretty serious ways – by stretching and engaging them in unique poses for long periods of time.

Here’s a simple routine to get you started…

Yoga Workout to Tighten & Tone Your Butt

This simple but effective routine can easily be incorporated into your lower body workout plan, or used as a bonus workout at the end of the week.

Perform each pose once in order, then repeat at least twice, aiming for 3-5 circuits in total. When it comes to your breathing, make sure your taking in deep breaths to your lower abdomen.

1. Chair Pose – Start in a standing position with your feet together and your arms by your sides. Slowly and with control, bend your knees and lower your hips towards the floor. As you lower yourself, you will notice your weight shift to your heels. Go as low as you can, dropping your tailbone and lifting your arms straight above your shoulders. Straighten your back, and lower as far as possible, similar to a squat. Hold here for 7-10 breaths.

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