This is How You’re Going to Rock Your Next Yoga Class

This is How You're Going to Rock Your Next Yoga Class

Power Your Next Yoga Class

Yoga may not feel like it’s going to be a total calorie burning workout which leaves you exhausted at the end but one thing is always a constant when it comes to rocking any workout.

Nutrition timing before any activity is key to success.  If you skip a meal or are doing Yoga early morning and think you can get away without having any food to fuel your workout then you are totally missing out on having your best session ever.

You will want to try one of the following 10 suggested bites approximately 30 minutes before your session so your body has the time to digest and give you that boost of energy you need to hold that eagle pose without shaking for even a second.

This will be simple, and you can thank us later! 🙂

The Best Foods to Power Your Next Yoga Class


Apples are one of my top choices just before a yoga workout. They won’t fill you up and leave you bloated, but they’re packed full of water to keep you hydrated. Plus they come loaded with a bunch of vitamins and natural sugars to keep you energized.


If your yoga class is early in the day, I recommend some all-natural oatmeal as a good breakfast option. Don’t overdo the serving size (half a cup to a cup will probably do), and top it with all natural ingredients like nuts, cinnamon, and berries.


They’re my top pick when it comes to nuts, and they’ll do the trick just before your next yoga class. With protein and healthy fats to boot, you’ll also stay satisfied and enhance your metabolism.


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