Warning Signs Around the World You Won’t Believe are Real

At times, signs are a necessity. They give us much needed, even crucial information, whether it’s the speed limits of the road, or a sign pointing to the nearest restroom. Without them, society as we know it would be incomplete and utter disarray.

However, for every helpful, well-designed sign, there is also a horribly confusing, poorly designed sign as well. Indeed, not all signs are created equal many actually do far more harm than good. The following are just some of the many comical instances of the worst of the worst signs of the world. Ranging anywhere from funny, useless, to downright strange. Enjoy!

Changing Lanes in New England? Use Yah Blinkah’

Driving along the roads of New England? Make sure to use yah blinkah!   Here, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation reminds drivers to observe safe driving and the rules of the road, in the most stereotypically hilarious way!   Yes, by poking fun of the Bostonian accent, the state of Boston is successfully able to admonish commuters, reminding them of the importance of changing lanes, in order to drive safely along the state’s roads.   According to the Boston Globe, this message appeared on the state of Boston’s electronic highway signs in May of 2014.

On display throughout that weekend, as more and more motorists spotted this message, and other similar messages, on their way to and from work, this electronic message resulted in an explosion of reactions, both positive and negative, across social media platforms.   While clearly targeted towards Boston drivers, this rule holds true for all motorists on the road.

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