Here’s How to Choose the Best Watermelon

Watermelons sit in a pile at a grocery store.

With Memorial Day weekend here, many consider summer here as well (even if it’s not official until June). That means summer produce is on the menu, and watermelons are one of the most popular.

But when shopping, how do you choose the best watermelon? There are a few best practices that can help you choose.

First, you should pick up the melon. It should feel heavy in comparison to its size. Watermelons are made of up to 92% water, so heaviness is key, even if the melon looks small.

Next, look for a large discolored spot on the rind. It should be a creamy, yellow color and represents where the melon sat and ripened in the sun. You should also inspect it for any cuts, bruises, or knicks that could affect its ripeness and flavor.

Finally, give it a thump. Yes, this is a real thing! When you thump the melon, it should have a hollow but deep sound. If it sounds more like a ping, it’s not ripe yet, and you should keep looking.

Once your melon passes these tests, you’ve likely got the best one possible. But don’t think you can only eat it on its own. This summer, you can also try a plethora of fun watermelon recipes, too.

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