Savory Secrets; Why is Sea Salt So Important

For years, our forefathers valued sea salt as a precious commodity and used it to season meals and improve their health. Sea salt is extremely beneficial in regulating the body and delivering the nutrients that our modern diet lacks and it improves the flavor of our cuisine! So, what are some of the incredible advantages of sea salt? You might be shocked at how many there are, but here are just a few of the more essential ones.

Maintains Hydration

Contrary to popular perception, sea salt is incredibly good in maintaining the body’s hydration levels. The amount of nutrients in sea salt also satisfies our thirst for a longer time and allows us to hold on to fluids for a prolonged period. On the other hand, table salt dehydrates us and depletes our bodies with important minerals. It also makes us need it more; our bodies require nutrients and these can be found in natural sea salt that processed table salt cannot provide.

Fluid Retention is Reduced

Some people believe that eating salty meals causes bloating or water retention, and this is true when you consume white table salt and refined salt found in processed food. Real sea salt, on the other hand, has the opposite effect due to its balanced ratio of minerals, particularly potassium and sodium, which aid in the release of trapped water. Replacing processed food with real food and seasoning it with sea salt can help you get rid of bloating and water retention.

A Rich Source of Minerals

Did you know that pure sea salt contains 84 trace minerals that nourish and strengthen our bodies?  Due to monocropping and poor farming practices, our soil has become depleted of these vital minerals and no longer provides the nutrients to our food as it once did. However, we may refill our bodies with these easily absorbable minerals by supplementing table salt with sea salt. You can even add a sprinkle of sea salt to the water you drink every day to boost its vitamin profile!


Enhances Digestion

Sea salt is required for digestion, which begins in the mouth. The flavor of salt activates salivary amylase, an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of carbohydrates in the saliva. Furthermore, sea salt is important in producing hydrochloric acid, which is released in the stomach to aid in the breakdown of food, particularly protein. Most people are deficient in hydrochloric acid, which can contribute to a variety of digestive difficulties such as bloating, gas, heartburn, and indigestion, as well as leaky gut and chronic disease. All you need is a dash of sea salt in your daily diet to lead a healthy and active life.

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