High School Sweethearts Face Their Fate Together

Young Love Birds

Jake Coats and Emmy Collett met in grade school. Jake (from Monmouth, Wales) and Emmy (from Luckington, Wilshire) were only 11 years old, but their young hearts felt a connection, one that would play out remarkably over time.

Through the years, their romance blossomed from a schoolyard crush to young love. It was fated. From the very beginning, their futures were bound together––on a path paved with surprises. Though they didn’t know it, there would be unimaginable obstacles ahead.

Childhood Sweethearts

Emmy Collett remembers their innocent beginnings. “My school-girl crush on Jake started almost 20 years ago when we were just 11 years old,” she said. “We quickly became childhood sweethearts and at 13 he told me that I was ‘his lobster.’ ” That sweet nickname, from the TVsitcom Friends, implied that the two were meant to be together forever.

Jake and Emmy were close as teenagers, and when they were 16, they found the courage to confess their feelings for one another. They dated for three years…every day of their romance leading them closer to a life-altering decision.

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