Nature’s Warning Signs That Danger Is Near

No matter where we go, there is always the chance that we’re going to run into some sort of danger-especially when we are out in nature. You may think you have all the survival tips under your belt, but nature can throw twists and turns at us that we may not be prepared for.

However, there are many ways that nature lets us know when danger may be about to strike. You can’t always depend on the weather forecast to decide if you’ll be safe going out or not.

If Volcanoes Shake, Swell, And Get Gassy, They’re About To Blow

Although volcanoes can be cool to look at and visit if we get the opportunity to do so, the story of Pompeii has shown us that they can be very deadly. You may be asking, how can I tell if one is about to erupt? For starters, there will most likely be small earthquakes under the volcano. It can also swell and release more heat and gas, but these types of signs are very difficult for someone like you or I to notice and/or feel.

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Lucky for us, we have people called volcanologists who are always monitoring these types of signals via radar satellites and other detectors. A lot of nature’s warning signs can be hard to detect without the use of technology. It’s unfortunate, though, that it’s not easy for scientists to monitor the gas an impending eruption releases the most-water vapor since there so much water vapor in the air already.

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