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How to keep your brain healthy and sharp as you age

Memory lapses, colloquially referred to as occasional “senior moments,” can occur at any age. Evidence shows that aging alone is generally not a cause of cognitive decline. Here are some science-proven ways to keep your…

Study: Older adults who regularly use the internet have LESS DEMENTIA RISK than non-regular users

Regular internet usage is often painted as a negative, but research has found a positive to the practice – especially in the case of older users. A longitudinal study of a large group of older…

Study: Older adults who regularly use the internet have LESS DEMENTIA RISK than non-regular users

Regular internet usage is often painted as a negative, but research has found a positive to the practice – especially in the case of older users. A longitudinal study of a large group of older…

Drinking dealcoholized muscadine WINE found to improve skin elasticity in middle-aged and older women

Drinking moderate amounts of red wine has been linked to certain health benefits for the elderly, such as improved good cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels. A recent study by researchers at the University of Florida (UF) just added…